Search Results for author: Alice Cai

Found 2 papers, 0 papers with code

Antagonistic AI

no code implementations12 Feb 2024 Alice Cai, Ian Arawjo, Elena L. Glassman

The vast majority of discourse around AI development assumes that subservient, "moral" models aligned with "human values" are universally beneficial -- in short, that good AI is sycophantic AI.

AtomXR: Streamlined XR Prototyping with Natural Language and Immersive Physical Interaction

no code implementations19 Nov 2023 Alice Cai, Caine Ardayfio, AnhPhu Nguyen, Tica Lin, Elena Glassman

As technological advancements in extended reality (XR) amplify the demand for more XR content, traditional development processes face several challenges: 1) a steep learning curve for inexperienced developers, 2) a disconnect between 2D development environments and 3D user experiences inside headsets, and 3) slow iteration cycles due to context switching between development and testing environments.

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