Search Results for author: Ana Valeria Gonzalez

Found 8 papers, 3 papers with code

On the Interaction of Belief Bias and Explanations

no code implementations Findings (ACL) 2021 Ana Valeria Gonzalez, Anna Rogers, Anders Søgaard

A myriad of explainability methods have been proposed in recent years, but there is little consensus on how to evaluate them.


Does injecting linguistic structure into language models lead to better alignment with brain recordings?

no code implementations29 Jan 2021 Mostafa Abdou, Ana Valeria Gonzalez, Mariya Toneva, Daniel Hershcovich, Anders Søgaard

We evaluate across two fMRI datasets whether language models align better with brain recordings, if their attention is biased by annotations from syntactic or semantic formalisms.

Human Evaluation of Spoken vs. Visual Explanations for Open-Domain QA

no code implementations30 Dec 2020 Ana Valeria Gonzalez, Gagan Bansal, Angela Fan, Robin Jia, Yashar Mehdad, Srinivasan Iyer

While research on explaining predictions of open-domain QA systems (ODQA) to users is gaining momentum, most works have failed to evaluate the extent to which explanations improve user trust.

Type B Reflexivization as an Unambiguous Testbed for Multilingual Multi-Task Gender Bias

2 code implementations EMNLP 2020 Ana Valeria Gonzalez, Maria Barrett, Rasmus Hvingelby, Kellie Webster, Anders Søgaard

The one-sided focus on English in previous studies of gender bias in NLP misses out on opportunities in other languages: English challenge datasets such as GAP and WinoGender highlight model preferences that are "hallucinatory", e. g., disambiguating gender-ambiguous occurrences of 'doctor' as male doctors.


Retrieval-based Goal-Oriented Dialogue Generation

no code implementations30 Sep 2019 Ana Valeria Gonzalez, Isabelle Augenstein, Anders Søgaard

Most research on dialogue has focused either on dialogue generation for openended chit chat or on state tracking for goal-directed dialogue.

Decoder Dialogue Generation +1

Domain Transfer in Dialogue Systems without Turn-Level Supervision

1 code implementation16 Sep 2019 Joachim Bingel, Victor Petrén Bach Hansen, Ana Valeria Gonzalez, Paweł Budzianowski, Isabelle Augenstein, Anders Søgaard

Task oriented dialogue systems rely heavily on specialized dialogue state tracking (DST) modules for dynamically predicting user intent throughout the conversation.

Dialogue State Tracking Task-Oriented Dialogue Systems

Rewarding Coreference Resolvers for Being Consistent with World Knowledge

1 code implementation IJCNLP 2019 Rahul Aralikatte, Heather Lent, Ana Valeria Gonzalez, Daniel Hershcovich, Chen Qiu, Anders Sandholm, Michael Ringaard, Anders Søgaard

Unresolved coreference is a bottleneck for relation extraction, and high-quality coreference resolvers may produce an output that makes it a lot easier to extract knowledge triples.

reinforcement-learning Reinforcement Learning (RL) +3

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