Search Results for author: Evgeny Lipachev

Found 4 papers, 1 papers with code

OntoMath${}^{\mathbf{PRO}}$ 2.0 Ontology: Updates of the Formal Model

no code implementations17 Mar 2023 Alexander Kirillovich, Olga Nevzorova, Evgeny Lipachev

OntoMath${}^{\mathrm{PRO}}$ underlies a semantic publishing platform, that takes as an input a collection of mathematical papers in LaTeX format and builds their ontology-based Linked Open Data representation.

Management Math +1

OntoMath Digital Ecosystem: Ontologies, Mathematical Knowledge Analytics and Management

no code implementations16 Feb 2017 Alexander Elizarov, Alexander Kirillovich, Evgeny Lipachev, Olga Nevzorova

In this article we consider the basic ideas, approaches and results of developing of mathematical knowledge management technologies based on ontologies.

Management Recommendation Systems

Mathematical Knowledge Representation: Semantic Models and Formalisms

no code implementations28 Aug 2014 Alexander Elizarov, Alexander Kirillovich, Evgeny Lipachev, Olga Nevzorova, Valery Solovyev, Nikita Zhiltsov

The paper provides a survey of semantic methods for solution of fundamental tasks in mathematical knowledge management.


$OntoMath^{PRO}$ Ontology: A Linked Data Hub for Mathematics

1 code implementation17 Jul 2014 Olga Nevzorova, Nikita Zhiltsov, Alexander Kirillovich, Evgeny Lipachev

In this paper, we present an ontology of mathematical knowledge concepts that covers a wide range of the fields of mathematics and introduces a balanced representation between comprehensive and sensible models.


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