Search Results for author: Gino Yu

Found 2 papers, 0 papers with code

Guiding Symbolic Natural Language Grammar Induction via Transformer-Based Sequence Probabilities

no code implementations26 May 2020 Ben Goertzel, Andres Suarez Madrigal, Gino Yu

A novel approach to automated learning of syntactic rules governing natural languages is proposed, based on using probabilities assigned to sentences (and potentially longer word sequences) by transformer neural network language models to guide symbolic learning processes like clustering and rule induction.


Humanoid Robots as Agents of Human Consciousness Expansion

no code implementations22 Sep 2017 Ben Goertzel, Julia Mossbridge, Eddie Monroe, David Hanson, Gino Yu

The "Loving AI" project involves developing software enabling humanoid robots to interact with people in loving and compassionate ways, and to promote people' self-understanding and self-transcendence.

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