Search Results for author: Olivier Roustant

Found 8 papers, 3 papers with code

A comparison of mixed-variables Bayesian optimization approaches

no code implementations30 Oct 2021 Jhouben Cuesta-Ramirez, Rodolphe Le Riche, Olivier Roustant, Guillaume Perrin, Cedric Durantin, Alain Gliere

In this article, costly mixed problems are approached through Gaussian processes where the discrete variables are relaxed into continuous latent variables.

Bayesian Optimization Gaussian Processes

Approximating Gaussian Process Emulators with Linear Inequality Constraints and Noisy Observations via MC and MCMC

no code implementations15 Jan 2019 Andrés F. López-Lopera, François Bachoc, Nicolas Durrande, Jérémy Rohmer, Déborah Idier, Olivier Roustant

Finally, on 2D and 5D coastal flooding applications, we show that more flexible and realistic GP implementations can be obtained by considering noise effects and by enforcing the (linear) inequality constraints.

Gaussian Processes

Finite-dimensional Gaussian approximation with linear inequality constraints

1 code implementation20 Oct 2017 Andrés F. López-Lopera, François Bachoc, Nicolas Durrande, Olivier Roustant

Introducing inequality constraints in Gaussian process (GP) models can lead to more realistic uncertainties in learning a great variety of real-world problems.

Uncertainty Quantification

On the choice of the low-dimensional domain for global optimization via random embeddings

1 code implementation18 Apr 2017 Mickaël Binois, David Ginsbourger, Olivier Roustant

Then, the search of solutions can be reduced to the random embedding of a low dimensional space into the original one, resulting in a more manageable optimization problem.

Bayesian Optimization

Poincaré inequalities on intervals -- application to sensitivity analysis

no code implementations12 Dec 2016 Olivier Roustant, Franck Barthe, Bertrand Iooss

We give semi-analytical results for some frequent distributions (truncated exponential, triangular, truncated normal), and present a numerical method in the general case.

A warped kernel improving robustness in Bayesian optimization via random embeddings

no code implementations13 Nov 2014 Mickaël Binois, David Ginsbourger, Olivier Roustant

This works extends the Random Embedding Bayesian Optimization approach by integrating a warping of the high dimensional subspace within the covariance kernel.

Bayesian Optimization

Invariances of random fields paths, with applications in Gaussian Process Regression

no code implementations6 Aug 2013 David Ginsbourger, Olivier Roustant, Nicolas Durrande

We study pathwise invariances of centred random fields that can be controlled through the covariance.


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