Search Results for author: Pablo Ruiz

Found 10 papers, 0 papers with code

Improving Acquisition Speed of X-Ray Ptychography through Spatial Undersampling and Regularization

no code implementations20 May 2021 Prasan Shedligeri, Florian Schiffers, Semih Barutcu, Pablo Ruiz, Aggelos K Katsaggelos, Oliver Cossairt

To avoid the ill-posedness, we investigate the effect of regularizing the phase retrieval algorithm with image priors for various overlap ratios between the neighboring diffraction patterns.


Physics-informed attention-based neural network for solving non-linear partial differential equations

no code implementations17 May 2021 Ruben Rodriguez-Torrado, Pablo Ruiz, Luis Cueto-Felgueroso, Michael Cerny Green, Tyler Friesen, Sebastien Matringe, Julian Togelius

PINNs are based on simple architectures, and learn the behavior of complex physical systems by optimizing the network parameters to minimize the residual of the underlying PDE.

Enjambment Detection in a Large Diachronic Corpus of Spanish Sonnets

no code implementations WS 2017 Pablo Ruiz, Clara Mart{\'\i}nez Cant{\'o}n, Thierry Poibeau, Elena Gonz{\'a}lez-Blanco

Enjambment takes place when a syntactic unit is broken up across two lines of poetry, giving rise to different stylistic effects.

Generating Navigable Semantic Maps from Social Sciences Corpora

no code implementations8 Jul 2015 Thierry Poibeau, Pablo Ruiz

It is now commonplace to observe that we are facing a deluge of online information.


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