Search Results for author: Tomáš Mikolov

Found 3 papers, 0 papers with code

SimpleTRON: Simple Transformer with O(N) Complexity

no code implementations23 Nov 2021 Uladzislau Yorsh, Alexander Kovalenko, Vojtěch Vančura, Daniel Vašata, Pavel Kordík, Tomáš Mikolov

In this paper, we propose that the dot product pairwise matching attention layer, which is widely used in Transformer-based models, is redundant for the model performance.

Text Classification

Classification of Discrete Dynamical Systems Based on Transients

no code implementations3 Aug 2021 Barbora Hudcová, Tomáš Mikolov

To show that our approach can be applied to many different computational systems, we demonstrate the results of classifying cellular automata, Turing machines, and random Boolean networks.


Computational Hierarchy of Elementary Cellular Automata

no code implementations1 Aug 2021 Barbora Hudcová, Tomáš Mikolov

We compute a graph showing which elementary cellular automata can be emulated by which and show that certain chaotic automata are the only ones that cannot emulate any automata non-trivially.

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