Search Results for author: Zilong Ye

Found 2 papers, 1 papers with code

Personal LLM Agents: Insights and Survey about the Capability, Efficiency and Security

2 code implementations10 Jan 2024 Yuanchun Li, Hao Wen, Weijun Wang, Xiangyu Li, Yizhen Yuan, Guohong Liu, Jiacheng Liu, Wenxing Xu, Xiang Wang, Yi Sun, Rui Kong, Yile Wang, Hanfei Geng, Jian Luan, Xuefeng Jin, Zilong Ye, Guanjing Xiong, Fan Zhang, Xiang Li, Mengwei Xu, Zhijun Li, Peng Li, Yang Liu, Ya-Qin Zhang, Yunxin Liu

Next, we discuss several key challenges to achieve intelligent, efficient and secure Personal LLM Agents, followed by a comprehensive survey of representative solutions to address these challenges.

Intelligent Device Discovery in the Internet of Things - Enabling the Robot Society

no code implementations22 Dec 2017 James Sunthonlap, Phuoc Nguyen, Zilong Ye

The Internet of Things (IoT) is continuously growing to connect billions of smart devices anywhere and anytime in an Internet-like structure, which enables a variety of applications, services and interactions between human and objects.


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