Genre annotations for movies The file genre2movies.csv contains genre-movie tuples based on Wikidata annotations (
Data Each line in genre2movies.csv represents one genre-movie tuple. The first entry is the genre. The second entry of each line is the movie name. There are 83,670 genre-movie tuples. Joining with the Movielens 20M dataset
The movies considered are from the Movielens 20M corpus: The movie names in genre2movies.csv match the movie 'titles' in Movielens 20M.
Compositions The directory "compositions" contains movies assigned to compositions of genres. The compositions are of the form: "genre A and genre B", "genre A and not genre B", "genre A and genre B and genre C", "genre A and genre B and not genre C". These assignments have been automatically generated from genre2movies.csv. We try to generate genre-compositions that are useful, e.g., for a "genre A and genre B" composition we ensure that genre B is not a subgenre of genre A, because an interesection of a superset with a subset is identical to the subset and does not form a new concept.
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