OntoNotes 4.0 (OntoNotes Release 4.0)

OntoNotes Release 4.0 contains the content of earlier releases -- OntoNotes Release 1.0 LDC2007T21, OntoNotes Release 2.0 LDC2008T04 and OntoNotes Release 3.0 LDC2009T24 -- and adds newswire, broadcast news, broadcast conversation and web data in English and Chinese and newswire data in Arabic. This cumulative publication consists of 2.4 million words as follows: 300k words of Arabic newswire 250k words of Chinese newswire, 250k words of Chinese broadcast news, 150k words of Chinese broadcast conversation and 150k words of Chinese web text and 600k words of English newswire, 200k word of English broadcast news, 200k words of English broadcast conversation and 300k words of English web text.


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