CarFi: Rider Localization Using Wi-Fi CSI

21 Dec 2022  ·  Sirajum Munir, Hongkai Chen, Shiwei Fang, Mahathir Monjur, Shan Lin, Shahriar Nirjon ·

With the rise of hailing services, people are increasingly relying on shared mobility (e.g., Uber, Lyft) drivers to pick up for transportation. However, such drivers and riders have difficulties finding each other in urban areas as GPS signals get blocked by skyscrapers, in crowded environments (e.g., in stadiums, airports, and bars), at night, and in bad weather. It wastes their time, creates a bad user experience, and causes more CO2 emissions due to idle driving. In this work, we explore the potential of Wi-Fi to help drivers to determine the street side of the riders. Our proposed system is called CarFi that uses Wi-Fi CSI from two antennas placed inside a moving vehicle and a data-driven technique to determine the street side of the rider. By collecting real-world data in realistic and challenging settings by blocking the signal with other people and other parked cars, we see that CarFi is 95.44% accurate in rider-side determination in both line of sight (LoS) and non-line of sight (nLoS) conditions, and can be run on an embedded GPU in real-time.

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