Cell Attention Networks

Since their introduction, graph attention networks achieved outstanding results in graph representation learning tasks. However, these networks consider only pairwise relationships among nodes and then they are not able to fully exploit higher-order interactions present in many real world data-sets. In this paper, we introduce Cell Attention Networks (CANs), a neural architecture operating on data defined over the vertices of a graph, representing the graph as the 1-skeleton of a cell complex introduced to capture higher order interactions. In particular, we exploit the lower and upper neighborhoods, as encoded in the cell complex, to design two independent masked self-attention mechanisms, thus generalizing the conventional graph attention strategy. The approach used in CANs is hierarchical and it incorporates the following steps: i) a lifting algorithm that learns {\it edge features} from {\it node features}; ii) a cell attention mechanism to find the optimal combination of edge features over both lower and upper neighbors; iii) a hierarchical {\it edge pooling} mechanism to extract a compact meaningful set of features. The experimental results show that CAN is a low complexity strategy that compares favorably with state of the art results on graph-based learning tasks.

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Results from the Paper

Task Dataset Model Metric Name Metric Value Global Rank Result Benchmark
Graph Classification MUTAG CAN Accuracy 94.1% # 9
Graph Classification NCI1 CAN Accuracy 84.5% # 19
Graph Classification NCI109 CAN Accuracy 83.6 # 10
Graph Classification PROTEINS CAN Accuracy 78.2% # 19
Graph Classification PTC CAN Accuracy 72.8% # 9


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