Coherent Visual Storytelling via Parallel Top-Down Visual and Topic Attention
Visual storytelling aims at producing a narrative paragraph for a given photo album automatically. It introduces more new challenges than individual image paragraph descriptions, mainly due to the difficulty in preserving coherent topics and in generating diverse phrases to depict the rich content of a photo album. Existing attention-based models that lack higher-level guiding information always result in a deviation between the generated sentence and the topic expressed by the image. In addition, these widely applied language generation approaches employing standard beam search tend to produce monotonous descriptions. In this work, a coherent visual storytelling (CoVS) framework is designed to address the above-mentioned problems. Specifically, in the encoding phase, an image sequence encoder is designed to efficiently extract visual features of the input photo album. Then, the novel parallel top-down visual and topic attention (PTDVTA) decoder is constructed via a topic-aware neural network, a parallel top-down attention model, and a coherent language generator. Concretely, visual attention focuses on the attributes and the relationships of the objects, while topic attention integrating a topic-aware neural network could improve the coherence of generated sentences. Eventually, a phrase beam search algorithm with n -gram hamming diversity is further designed to optimize the expression diversity of the generated story. To justify the proposed CoVS framework, extensive experiments are conducted on the VIST dataset, which shows that CoVS can automatically generate coherent and diverse stories in a more natural way. Moreover, CoVS obtains better performance than state-of-the-art baselines on BLEU-4 and METEOR scores, while maintaining good CIDEr and ROUGH_L scores. The source code of this work can be found in .
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