Deep Nearest Neighbor Anomaly Detection

24 Feb 2020  ·  Liron Bergman, Niv Cohen, Yedid Hoshen ·

Nearest neighbors is a successful and long-standing technique for anomaly detection. Significant progress has been recently achieved by self-supervised deep methods (e.g. RotNet). Self-supervised features however typically under-perform Imagenet pre-trained features. In this work, we investigate whether the recent progress can indeed outperform nearest-neighbor methods operating on an Imagenet pretrained feature space. The simple nearest-neighbor based-approach is experimentally shown to outperform self-supervised methods in: accuracy, few shot generalization, training time and noise robustness while making fewer assumptions on image distributions.

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Results from the Paper

Task Dataset Model Metric Name Metric Value Global Rank Uses Extra
Training Data
Result Benchmark
Anomaly Detection Anomaly Detection on Anomaly Detection on Unlabeled ImageNet-30 vs Flowers-102 DN2 CLIP ViT ROC-AUC 93.2 # 3
Network ViT # 1
Anomaly Detection Anomaly Detection on Unlabeled ImageNet-30 vs CUB-200 DN2 CLIP ViT ROC-AUC 93.8 # 2
Network ViT # 1
Anomaly Detection One-class CIFAR-10 DN2 AUROC 92.5 # 14


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