DeepSleep 2.0: Automated Sleep Arousal Segmentation via Deep Learning
DeepSleep 2.0 is a compact version of DeepSleep, a state-of-the-art, U-Net-inspired, fully convolutional deep neural network, which achieved the highest unofficial score in the 2018 PhysioNet Computing Challenge. The proposed network architecture has a compact encoder/decoder structure containing only 740,551 trainable parameters. The input to the network is a full-length multichannel polysomnographic recording signal. The network has been designed and optimized to efficiently predict nonapnea sleep arousals on held-out test data at a 5 ms resolution level, while not compromising the prediction accuracy. When compared to DeepSleep, the obtained experimental results in terms of gross area under the precision-recall curve (AUPRC) and gross area under the receiver operating characteristic curve (AUROC) suggest a lightweight architecture, which can achieve similar prediction performance at a lower computational cost, is realizable.
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