Fine-grained Correlation Loss for Regression

Regression learning is classic and fundamental for medical image analysis. It provides the continuous mapping for many critical applications, like the attribute estimation, object detection, segmentation and non-rigid registration. However, previous studies mainly took the case-wise criteria, like the mean square errors, as the optimization objectives. They ignored the very important population-wise correlation criterion, which is exactly the final evaluation metric in many tasks. In this work, we propose to revisit the classic regression tasks with novel investigations on directly optimizing the fine-grained correlation losses. We mainly explore two complementary correlation indexes as learnable losses: Pearson linear correlation (PLC) and Spearman rank correlation (SRC). The contributions of this paper are two folds. First, for the PLC on global level, we propose a strategy to make it robust against the outliers and regularize the key distribution factors. These efforts significantly stabilize the learning and magnify the efficacy of PLC. Second, for the SRC on local level, we propose a coarse-to-fine scheme to ease the learning of the exact ranking order among samples. Specifically, we convert the learning for the ranking of samples into the learning of similarity relationships among samples. We extensively validate our method on two typical ultrasound image regression tasks, including the image quality assessment and bio-metric measurement. Experiments prove that, with the fine-grained guidance in directly optimizing the correlation, the regression performances are significantly improved. Our proposed correlation losses are general and can be extended to more important applications.

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