Joint Progressive and Coarse-to-fine Registration of Brain MRI via Deformation Field Integration and Non-Rigid Feature Fusion
Registration of brain MRI images requires to solve a deformation field, which is extremely difficult in aligning intricate brain tissues, e.g., subcortical nuclei, etc. Existing efforts resort to decomposing the target deformation field into intermediate sub-fields with either tiny motions, i.e., progressive registration stage by stage, or lower resolutions, i.e., coarse-to-fine estimation of the full-size deformation field. In this paper, we argue that those efforts are not mutually exclusive, and propose a unified framework for robust brain MRI registration in both progressive and coarse-to-fine manners simultaneously. Specifically, building on a dual-encoder U-Net, the fixed-moving MRI pair is encoded and decoded into multi-scale deformation sub-fields from coarse to fine. Each decoding block contains two proposed novel modules: i) in Deformation Field Integration (DFI), a single integrated sub-field is calculated, warping by which is equivalent to warping progressively by sub-fields from all previous decoding blocks, and ii) in Non-rigid Feature Fusion (NFF), features of the fixed-moving pair are aligned by DFI-integrated sub-field, and then fused to predict a finer sub-field. Leveraging both DFI and NFF, the target deformation field is factorized into multi-scale sub-fields, where the coarser fields alleviate the estimate of a finer one and the finer field learns to make up those misalignments insolvable by previous coarser ones. The extensive and comprehensive experimental results on both private and public datasets demonstrate a superior registration performance of brain MRI images over progressive registration only and coarse-to-fine estimation only, with an increase by at most 8% in the average Dice.
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