MGDCF: Distance Learning via Markov Graph Diffusion for Neural Collaborative Filtering

5 Apr 2022  ·  Jun Hu, Bryan Hooi, Shengsheng Qian, Quan Fang, Changsheng Xu ·

Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) have recently been utilized to build Collaborative Filtering (CF) models to predict user preferences based on historical user-item interactions. However, there is relatively little understanding of how GNN-based CF models relate to some traditional Network Representation Learning (NRL) approaches. In this paper, we show the equivalence between some state-of-the-art GNN-based CF models and a traditional 1-layer NRL model based on context encoding. Based on a Markov process that trades off two types of distances, we present Markov Graph Diffusion Collaborative Filtering (MGDCF) to generalize some state-of-the-art GNN-based CF models. Instead of considering the GNN as a trainable black box that propagates learnable user/item vertex embeddings, we treat GNNs as an untrainable Markov process that can construct constant context features of vertices for a traditional NRL model that encodes context features with a fully-connected layer. Such simplification can help us to better understand how GNNs benefit CF models. Especially, it helps us realize that ranking losses play crucial roles in GNN-based CF tasks. With our proposed simple yet powerful ranking loss InfoBPR, the NRL model can still perform well without the context features constructed by GNNs. We conduct experiments to perform detailed analysis on MGDCF.

PDF Abstract
Task Dataset Model Metric Name Metric Value Global Rank Result Benchmark
Multi-modal Recommendation Amazon Baby MGDN NDCG@20 0.0346 # 7
Recommendation Systems Amazon-Book MGDCF Recall@20 0.0566 # 9
nDCG@20 0.0460 # 9
Multi-modal Recommendation Amazon Clothing MGDN NDCG@20 0.0247 # 7
Multi-modal Recommendation Amazon Sports MGDN NGCG@20 0.0422 # 4
Recommendation Systems Gowalla MGDCF Recall@20 0.1864 # 6
nDCG@20 0.1589 # 4
Recommendation Systems Yelp2018 MGDCF Recall@20 0.0699 # 5
NDCG@20 0.0575 # 4
