PCDepth: Pattern-based Complementary Learning for Monocular Depth Estimation by Best of Both Worlds

29 Feb 2024  ·  Haotian Liu, Sanqing Qu, Fan Lu, Zongtao Bu, Florian Roehrbein, Alois Knoll, Guang Chen ·

Event cameras can record scene dynamics with high temporal resolution, providing rich scene details for monocular depth estimation (MDE) even at low-level illumination. Therefore, existing complementary learning approaches for MDE fuse intensity information from images and scene details from event data for better scene understanding. However, most methods directly fuse two modalities at pixel level, ignoring that the attractive complementarity mainly impacts high-level patterns that only occupy a few pixels. For example, event data is likely to complement contours of scene objects. In this paper, we discretize the scene into a set of high-level patterns to explore the complementarity and propose a Pattern-based Complementary learning architecture for monocular Depth estimation (PCDepth). Concretely, PCDepth comprises two primary components: a complementary visual representation learning module for discretizing the scene into high-level patterns and integrating complementary patterns across modalities and a refined depth estimator aimed at scene reconstruction and depth prediction while maintaining an efficiency-accuracy balance. Through pattern-based complementary learning, PCDepth fully exploits two modalities and achieves more accurate predictions than existing methods, especially in challenging nighttime scenarios. Extensive experiments on MVSEC and DSEC datasets verify the effectiveness and superiority of our PCDepth. Remarkably, compared with state-of-the-art, PCDepth achieves a 37.9% improvement in accuracy in MVSEC nighttime scenarios.

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