Q-BERT: Hessian Based Ultra Low Precision Quantization of BERT

Transformer based architectures have become de-facto models used for a range of Natural Language Processing tasks. In particular, the BERT based models achieved significant accuracy gain for GLUE tasks, CoNLL-03 and SQuAD. However, BERT based models have a prohibitive memory footprint and latency. As a result, deploying BERT based models in resource constrained environments has become a challenging task. In this work, we perform an extensive analysis of fine-tuned BERT models using second order Hessian information, and we use our results to propose a novel method for quantizing BERT models to ultra low precision. In particular, we propose a new group-wise quantization scheme, and we use a Hessian based mix-precision method to compress the model further. We extensively test our proposed method on BERT downstream tasks of SST-2, MNLI, CoNLL-03, and SQuAD. We can achieve comparable performance to baseline with at most $2.3\%$ performance degradation, even with ultra-low precision quantization down to 2 bits, corresponding up to $13\times$ compression of the model parameters, and up to $4\times$ compression of the embedding table as well as activations. Among all tasks, we observed the highest performance loss for BERT fine-tuned on SQuAD. By probing into the Hessian based analysis as well as visualization, we show that this is related to the fact that current training/fine-tuning strategy of BERT does not converge for SQuAD.

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Results from Other Papers

Task Dataset Model Metric Name Metric Value Rank Source Paper Compare
Linguistic Acceptability CoLA Q-BERT (Shen et al., 2020) Accuracy 65.1 # 23
Semantic Textual Similarity MRPC Q-BERT (Shen et al., 2020) Accuracy 88.2 # 21
Natural Language Inference MultiNLI Q-BERT (Shen et al., 2020) Matched 87.8 # 18
Natural Language Inference QNLI Q-BERT (Shen et al., 2020) Accuracy 93.0 # 22
Natural Language Inference RTE Q-BERT (Shen et al., 2020) Accuracy 84.7 # 28
Sentiment Analysis SST-2 Binary classification Q-BERT (Shen et al., 2020) Accuracy 94.8 # 28
Semantic Textual Similarity STS Benchmark Q-BERT (Shen et al., 2020) Pearson Correlation 0.911 # 13
