Search Results for author: Heeyoung Kwon

Found 8 papers, 4 papers with code

Fake Sentence Detection as a Training Task for Sentence Encoding

no code implementations ICLR 2019 Viresh Ranjan, Heeyoung Kwon, Niranjan Balasubramanian, Minh Hoai

We automatically generate fake sentences by corrupting original sentences from a source collection and train the encoders to produce representations that are effective at detecting fake sentences.

Binary Classification Language Modelling +1

Generating Narrative Text in a Switching Dynamical System

1 code implementation CONLL 2020 Noah Weber, Leena Shekhar, Heeyoung Kwon, Niranjan Balasubramanian, Nathanael Chambers

A SLDS is a dynamical system in which the latent dynamics of the system (i. e. how the state vector transforms over time) is controlled by top-level discrete switching variables.

Text Generation

Modeling Label Semantics for Predicting Emotional Reactions

1 code implementation ACL 2020 Radhika Gaonkar, Heeyoung Kwon, Mohaddeseh Bastan, Niranjan Balasubramanian, Nathanael Chambers

Predicting how events induce emotions in the characters of a story is typically seen as a standard multi-label classification task, which usually treats labels as anonymous classes to predict.

Emotion Classification Multi-Label Classification

Trading constraints in continuous-time Kyle models

no code implementations16 Jun 2022 Jin Hyuk Choi, Heeyoung Kwon, Kasper Larsen

In a continuous-time Kyle setting, we prove global existence of an equilibrium when the insider faces a terminal trading constraint.

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