no code implementations • 25 Jul 2021 • Amine Amor, Pietro Lio', Vikash Singh, Ramon Viñas Torné, Helena Andres Terre
Overall, the combination of RNA-sequencing and gene methylation data leads to a link prediction accuracy of 71% on GGI networks.
1 code implementation • 14 Apr 2021 • Dmitry Kazhdan, Botty Dimanov, Helena Andres Terre, Mateja Jamnik, Pietro Liò, Adrian Weller
Concept-based explanations have emerged as a popular way of extracting human-interpretable representations from deep discriminative models.
no code implementations • 22 Nov 2020 • Maja Trębacz, Zohreh Shams, Mateja Jamnik, Paul Scherer, Nikola Simidjievski, Helena Andres Terre, Pietro Liò
Stratifying cancer patients based on their gene expression levels allows improving diagnosis, survival analysis and treatment planning.
no code implementations • 29 Sep 2020 • Paul Scherer, Maja Trȩbacz, Nikola Simidjievski, Zohreh Shams, Helena Andres Terre, Pietro Liò, Mateja Jamnik
We propose a method for gene expression based analysis of cancer phenotypes incorporating network biology knowledge through unsupervised construction of computational graphs.