Survival Analysis
178 papers with code • 0 benchmarks • 4 datasets
Survival Analysis is a branch of statistics focused on the study of time-to-event data, usually called survival times. This type of data appears in a wide range of applications such as failure times in mechanical systems, death times of patients in a clinical trial or duration of unemployment in a population. One of the main objectives of Survival Analysis is the estimation of the so-called survival function and the hazard function. If a random variable has density function $f$ and cumulative distribution function $F$, then its survival function $S$ is $1-F$, and its hazard $λ$ is $f/S$.
Source: Gaussian Processes for Survival Analysis
Image: Kvamme et al.
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Most implemented papers
Deep Cox Mixtures for Survival Regression
Survival analysis is a challenging variation of regression modeling because of the presence of censoring, where the outcome measurement is only partially known, due to, for example, loss to follow up.
DeepSurv: Personalized Treatment Recommender System Using A Cox Proportional Hazards Deep Neural Network
We introduce DeepSurv, a Cox proportional hazards deep neural network and state-of-the-art survival method for modeling interactions between a patient's covariates and treatment effectiveness in order to provide personalized treatment recommendations.
Adversarial Time-to-Event Modeling
Modern health data science applications leverage abundant molecular and electronic health data, providing opportunities for machine learning to build statistical models to support clinical practice.
Deep Survival Machines: Fully Parametric Survival Regression and Representation Learning for Censored Data with Competing Risks
We describe a new approach to estimating relative risks in time-to-event prediction problems with censored data in a fully parametric manner.
SAFE: A Neural Survival Analysis Model for Fraud Early Detection
However, there is usually a gap between the time that a user commits a fraudulent action and the time that the user is suspended by the platform.
Neural interval-censored survival regression with feature selection
Survival analysis is a fundamental area of focus in biomedical research, particularly in the context of personalized medicine.
Interpretable machine learning for time-to-event prediction in medicine and healthcare
Time-to-event prediction, e. g. cancer survival analysis or hospital length of stay, is a highly prominent machine learning task in medical and healthcare applications.
An Efficient Training Algorithm for Kernel Survival Support Vector Machines
Survival analysis is a fundamental tool in medical research to identify predictors of adverse events and develop systems for clinical decision support.
Deep Learning for Patient-Specific Kidney Graft Survival Analysis
An accurate model of patient-specific kidney graft survival distributions can help to improve shared-decision making in the treatment and care of patients.
Tick: a Python library for statistical learning, with a particular emphasis on time-dependent modelling
Tick is a statistical learning library for Python~3, with a particular emphasis on time-dependent models, such as point processes, and tools for generalized linear models and survival analysis.