Search Results for author: Josef Pauli

Found 5 papers, 2 papers with code

Navigating the Human Maze: Real-Time Robot Pathfinding with Generative Imitation Learning

1 code implementation7 Aug 2024 Martin Moder, Stephen Adhisaputra, Josef Pauli

This paper addresses navigation in crowded environments by integrating goal-conditioned generative models with Sampling-based Model Predictive Control (SMPC).

Imitation Learning Model Predictive Control

Efficient fine-grained road segmentation using superpixel-based CNN and CRF models

no code implementations22 Jun 2022 Farnoush Zohourian, Jan Siegemund, Mirko Meuter, Josef Pauli

In recent work, we proposed a novel approach to utilise the advantages of CNNs for the task of road segmentation at reasonable computational effort.

Computational Efficiency Road Segmentation +2

Deep Learning with Anatomical Priors: Imitating Enhanced Autoencoders in Latent Space for Improved Pelvic Bone Segmentation in MRI

no code implementations21 Mar 2019 Duc Duy Pham, Gurbandurdy Dovletov, Sebastian Warwas, Stefan Landgraeber, Marcus Jäger, Josef Pauli

We propose a 2D Encoder-Decoder based deep learning architecture for semantic segmentation, that incorporates anatomical priors by imitating the encoder component of an autoencoder in latent space.

Decoder Segmentation +1

Online Vision- and Action-Based Object Classification Using Both Symbolic and Subsymbolic Knowledge Representations

no code implementations2 Oct 2015 Laura Steinert, Jens Hoefinghoff, Josef Pauli

If a robot is supposed to roam an environment and interact with objects, it is often necessary to know all possible objects in advance, so that a database with models of all objects can be generated for visual identification.

General Classification Object +1

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