
320 papers with code • 1 benchmarks • 1 datasets

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Automatic lung segmentation in routine imaging is primarily a data diversity problem, not a methodology problem

JoHof/lungmask 31 Jan 2020

We compared four generic deep learning approaches trained on various datasets and two readily available lung segmentation algorithms.

Disentangled Representation Learning in Cardiac Image Analysis

agis85/anatomy_modality_decomposition 22 Mar 2019

We can venture further and consider that a medical image naturally factors into some spatial factors depicting anatomy and factors that denote the imaging characteristics.

Transferable Visual Words: Exploiting the Semantics of Anatomical Patterns for Self-supervised Learning

JLiangLab/TransVW 21 Feb 2021

This paper introduces a new concept called "transferable visual words" (TransVW), aiming to achieve annotation efficiency for deep learning in medical image analysis.

AeroPath: An airway segmentation benchmark dataset with challenging pathology

puzzled-hui/atm-22-related-work 2 Nov 2023

In this study, we introduce a new public benchmark dataset (AeroPath), consisting of 27 CT images from patients with pathologies ranging from emphysema to large tumors, with corresponding trachea and bronchi annotations.

On the Anatomy of MCMC-Based Maximum Likelihood Learning of Energy-Based Models

point0bar1/ebm-anatomy 29 Mar 2019

On the other hand, ConvNet potentials learned with non-convergent MCMC do not have a valid steady-state and cannot be considered approximate unnormalized densities of the training data because long-run MCMC samples differ greatly from observed images.

Deep Active Learning for Axon-Myelin Segmentation on Histology Data

neuropoly/deep-active-learning 11 Jul 2019

In this paper we provide a framework for Deep Active Learning applied to a real-world scenario.

End-to-End Variational Networks for Accelerated MRI Reconstruction

facebookresearch/fastMRI 14 Apr 2020

The slow acquisition speed of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) has led to the development of two complementary methods: acquiring multiple views of the anatomy simultaneously (parallel imaging) and acquiring fewer samples than necessary for traditional signal processing methods (compressed sensing).

KiU-Net: Towards Accurate Segmentation of Biomedical Images using Over-complete Representations

jeya-maria-jose/KiU-Net-pytorch 8 Jun 2020

Due to its excellent performance, U-Net is the most widely used backbone architecture for biomedical image segmentation in the recent years.

Reinforcement Learning with Random Delays

rmst/rlrd ICLR 2021

Action and observation delays commonly occur in many Reinforcement Learning applications, such as remote control scenarios.

Recurrent Variational Network: A Deep Learning Inverse Problem Solver applied to the task of Accelerated MRI Reconstruction

directgroup/direct CVPR 2022

Magnetic Resonance Imaging can produce detailed images of the anatomy and physiology of the human body that can assist doctors in diagnosing and treating pathologies such as tumours.