Argument Mining

82 papers with code • 1 benchmarks • 6 datasets

Argument Mining is a field of corpus-based discourse analysis that involves the automatic identification of argumentative structures in text.

Source: AMPERSAND: Argument Mining for PERSuAsive oNline Discussions

Most implemented papers

Unit Segmentation of Argumentative Texts

webis-de/unit-segmentation-of-argumentative-texts WS 2017

The segmentation of an argumentative text into argument units and their non-argumentative counterparts is the first step in identifying the argumentative structure of the text.

Visualizing the Flow of Discourse with a Concept Ontology

bxshi/DiscourseVisualization 23 Feb 2018

Understanding and visualizing human discourse has long being a challenging task.

Argumentative Link Prediction using Residual Networks and Multi-Objective Learning

AGalassi/StructurePrediction18 WS 2018

We explore the use of residual networks for argumentation mining, with an emphasis on link prediction.

Feasible Annotation Scheme for Capturing Policy Argument Reasoning using Argument Templates

preisert/argument-reasoning-patterns WS 2018

Most of the existing works on argument mining cast the problem of argumentative structure identification as classification tasks (e. g. attack-support relations, stance, explicit premise/claim).

Frame- and Entity-Based Knowledge for Common-Sense Argumentative Reasoning

UKPLab/emnlp2018-argmin-commonsense-knowledge WS 2018

Common-sense argumentative reasoning is a challenging task that requires holistic understanding of the argumentation where external knowledge about the world is hypothesized to play a key role.

PD3: Better Low-Resource Cross-Lingual Transfer By Combining Direct Transfer and Annotation Projection

UKPLab/emnlp2018-argmin-workshop-pd3 WS 2018

We consider unsupervised cross-lingual transfer on two tasks, viz., sentence-level argumentation mining and standard POS tagging.