
169 papers with code • 0 benchmarks • 8 datasets

Chatbot or conversational AI is a language model designed and implemented to have conversations with humans.

Source: Open Data Chatbot

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Most implemented papers

Evaluation and Improvement of Chatbot Text Classification Data Quality Using Plausible Negative Examples

jobpal/nex-cv WS 2019

We describe and validate a metric for estimating multi-class classifier performance based on cross-validation and adapted for improvement of small, unbalanced natural-language datasets used in chatbot design.

A Multi-Turn Emotionally Engaging Dialog Model

yuboxie/meed 15 Aug 2019

Open-domain dialog systems (also known as chatbots) have increasingly drawn attention in natural language processing.

Deep Learning Based Chatbot Models

ricsinaruto/Seq2seqChatbots 23 Aug 2019

Finally, I conduct a detailed analysis of how the vanilla model performs on conversational data by comparing it to previous chatbot models and how the additional features affect the quality of the generated responses.

#MeTooMaastricht: Building a chatbot to assist survivors of sexual harassment

DigitalDigger/MeTooMaastrichtChatbot 6 Sep 2019

Inspired by the recent social movement of #MeToo, we are building a chatbot to assist survivors of sexual harassment cases (designed for the city of Maastricht but can easily be extended).

Stacked DeBERT: All Attention in Incomplete Data for Text Classification

gcunhase/StackedDeBERT 1 Jan 2020

This is due to the fact that current approaches are built for and trained with clean and complete data, and thus are not able to extract features that can adequately represent incomplete data.

Sequence Labeling Approach to the Task of Sentence Boundary Detection

deepmipt/DeepPavlov ICMLSC 2020: Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Machine Learning and Soft Computing 2020

One of the keys to enable chatbots to communicate with human in a more natural way is the ability to handle long and complex user's utterances.

What Would You Ask the Machine Learning Model? Identification of User Needs for Model Explanations Based on Human-Model Conversations

ModelOriented/xaibot 7 Feb 2020

To our surprise, their development is driven by model developers rather than a study of needs for human end users.

XPersona: Evaluating Multilingual Personalized Chatbot

HLTCHKUST/Xpersona EMNLP (NLP4ConvAI) 2021

Experimental results show that the multilingual trained models outperform the translation-pipeline and that they are on par with the monolingual models, with the advantage of having a single model across multiple languages.

MTSI-BERT: A Session-aware Knowledge-based Conversational Agent

seo-95/MTSI-BERT LREC 2020

In the last years, the state of the art of NLP research has made a huge step forward.

A Qualitative Evaluation of Language Models on Automatic Question-Answering for COVID-19

oniani/covid-19-chatbot 19 Jun 2020

However, such models are rarely applied and evaluated in the healthcare domain, to meet the information needs with accurate and up-to-date healthcare data.