Conversational Response Selection

31 papers with code • 13 benchmarks • 11 datasets

Conversational response selection refers to the task of identifying the most relevant response to a given input sentence from a collection of sentences.


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Most implemented papers

Do Response Selection Models Really Know What's Next? Utterance Manipulation Strategies for Multi-turn Response Selection

taesunwhang/UMS-ResSel 10 Sep 2020

In this paper, we study the task of selecting the optimal response given a user and system utterance history in retrieval-based multi-turn dialog systems.

Dialogue Response Selection with Hierarchical Curriculum Learning

yxuansu/HCL ACL 2021

As for IC, it progressively strengthens the model's ability in identifying the mismatching information between the dialogue context and a response candidate.

Open-domain question classification and completion in conversational information search

omkia/IKT2020 26 Feb 2021

Searching for new information requires talking to the system.

Fine-grained Post-training for Improving Retrieval-based Dialogue Systems

hanjanghoon/BERT_FP NAACL 2021

During the multi-turn response selection, BERT focuses on training the relationship between the context with multiple utterances and the response.

Uni-Encoder: A Fast and Accurate Response Selection Paradigm for Generation-Based Dialogue Systems

dll-wu/uni-encoder 2 Jun 2021

The current state-of-the-art ranking methods mainly use an encoding paradigm called Cross-Encoder, which separately encodes each context-candidate pair and ranks the candidates according to their fitness scores.

Response Ranking with Multi-types of Deep Interactive Representations in Retrieval-based Dialogues

RayXu14/WDMN ACM Transactions on Information Systems 2021

To tackle these challenges, we propose a representation[K]-interaction[L]-matching framework that explores multiple types of deep interactive representations to build context-response matching models for response selection.

Exploring Dense Retrieval for Dialogue Response Selection

gmftbygmftby/simpleredial-v1 13 Oct 2021

In this study, we present a solution to directly select proper responses from a large corpus or even a nonparallel corpus that only consists of unpaired sentences, using a dense retrieval model.

One Agent To Rule Them All: Towards Multi-agent Conversational AI

ChrisIsKing/black-box-multi-agent-integation Findings (ACL) 2022

To address these problems, we introduce a new task BBAI: Black-Box Agent Integration, focusing on combining the capabilities of multiple black-box CAs at scale.

Learning Dialogue Representations from Consecutive Utterances

amazon-research/dse NAACL 2022

In this paper, we introduce Dialogue Sentence Embedding (DSE), a self-supervised contrastive learning method that learns effective dialogue representations suitable for a wide range of dialogue tasks.

Dial-MAE: ConTextual Masked Auto-Encoder for Retrieval-based Dialogue Systems

suu990901/Dial-MAE 7 Jun 2023

Dialogue response selection aims to select an appropriate response from several candidates based on a given user and system utterance history.