Dialogue Understanding

29 papers with code • 0 benchmarks • 9 datasets

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FETA: A Benchmark for Few-Sample Task Transfer in Open-Domain Dialogue

alon-albalak/tlidb 12 May 2022

Task transfer, transferring knowledge contained in related tasks, holds the promise of reducing the quantity of labeled data required to fine-tune language models.

12 May 2022

User-Centric Conversational Recommendation with Multi-Aspect User Modeling

lisk123/uccr 20 Apr 2022

In this work, we highlight that the user's historical dialogue sessions and look-alike users are essential sources of user preferences besides the current dialogue session in CRS.

20 Apr 2022

A Benchmark for Automatic Medical Consultation System: Frameworks, Tasks and Datasets

lemuria-wchen/imcs21 19 Apr 2022

In recent years, interest has arisen in using machine learning to improve the efficiency of automatic medical consultation and enhance patient experience.

19 Apr 2022

TEACh: Task-driven Embodied Agents that Chat

alexa/teach 1 Oct 2021

Robots operating in human spaces must be able to engage in natural language interaction with people, both understanding and executing instructions, and using conversation to resolve ambiguity and recover from mistakes.

01 Oct 2021

CSAGN: Conversational Structure Aware Graph Network for Conversational Semantic Role Labeling

hahahawu/CSAGN EMNLP 2021

Conversational semantic role labeling (CSRL) is believed to be a crucial step towards dialogue understanding.

23 Sep 2021

DialogLM: Pre-trained Model for Long Dialogue Understanding and Summarization

microsoft/dialoglm 6 Sep 2021

For a dialogue, it corrupts a window of text with dialogue-inspired noise, and guides the model to reconstruct this window based on the content of the remaining conversation.

06 Sep 2021

M2H2: A Multimodal Multiparty Hindi Dataset For Humor Recognition in Conversations

declare-lab/M2H2-dataset 3 Aug 2021

We propose several strong multimodal baselines and show the importance of contextual and multimodal information for humor recognition in conversations.

03 Aug 2021

A Structure Self-Aware Model for Discourse Parsing on Multi-Party Dialogues

DeepLearnXMU/Structure-Self-Aware Proceedings of the Thirtieth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence 2021

Conversational discourse structures aim to describe how a dialogue is organised, thus they are helpful for dialogue understanding and response generation.

01 Aug 2021

Semantic Representation for Dialogue Modeling

muyeby/AMR-Dialogue ACL 2021

Although neural models have achieved competitive results in dialogue systems, they have shown limited ability in representing core semantics, such as ignoring important entities.

21 May 2021

CREAD: Combined Resolution of Ellipses and Anaphora in Dialogues

apple/ml-cread NAACL 2021

In this work, we propose a novel joint learning framework of modeling coreference resolution and query rewriting for complex, multi-turn dialogue understanding.

20 May 2021