Emotion Recognition in Conversation

72 papers with code • 12 benchmarks • 14 datasets

Given the transcript of a conversation along with speaker information of each constituent utterance, the ERC task aims to identify the emotion of each utterance from several pre-defined emotions. Formally, given the input sequence of N number of utterances [(u1, p1), (u2, p2), . . . , (uN , pN )], where each utterance ui = [ui,1, ui,2, . . . , ui,T ] consists of T words ui,j and spoken by party pi, the task is to predict the emotion label ei of each utterance ui. .


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FATRER: Full-Attention Topic Regularizer for Accurate and Robust Conversational Emotion Recognition

ludybupt/FATRER 23 Jul 2023

This paper concentrates on the understanding of interlocutors' emotions evoked in conversational utterances.

23 Jul 2023

A Facial Expression-Aware Multimodal Multi-task Learning Framework for Emotion Recognition in Multi-party Conversations

NUSTM/FacialMMT Proceedings of the 61st Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers) 2023

With the extracted face sequences, we propose a multimodal facial expression-aware emotion recognition model, which leverages the frame-level facial emotion distributions to help improve utterance-level emotion recognition based on multi-task learning.

01 Jul 2023

Mimicking the Thinking Process for Emotion Recognition in Conversation with Prompts and Paraphrasing

nlpwm-whu/mplp 11 Jun 2023

It is a challenging task since the recognition of the emotion in one utterance involves many complex factors, such as the conversational context, the speaker's background, and the subtle difference between emotion labels.

11 Jun 2023

Supervised Adversarial Contrastive Learning for Emotion Recognition in Conversations

zerohd4869/sacl 2 Jun 2023

To address this, we propose a supervised adversarial contrastive learning (SACL) framework for learning class-spread structured representations in a supervised manner.

02 Jun 2023

Speech-Text Dialog Pre-training for Spoken Dialog Understanding with Explicit Cross-Modal Alignment

alibabaresearch/damo-convai 19 May 2023

In this paper, we propose Speech-text dialog Pre-training for spoken dialog understanding with ExpliCiT cRoss-Modal Alignment (SPECTRA), which is the first-ever speech-text dialog pre-training model.

19 May 2023

How to Enhance Causal Discrimination of Utterances: A Case on Affective Reasoning

zodiark-ch/mater-of-our-emnlp2023-paper 4 May 2023

noise terms into the conversation process, thereby constructing a structural causal model (SCM).

04 May 2023

Context-Dependent Embedding Utterance Representations for Emotion Recognition in Conversations

patricia-pereira/cd-erc 17 Apr 2023

The usual approach to model the conversational context has been to produce context-independent representations of each utterance and subsequently perform contextual modeling of these.

17 Apr 2023

EmotionIC: emotional inertia and contagion-driven dependency modeling for emotion recognition in conversation

lijfrank-open/EmotionIC 20 Mar 2023

Emotion Recognition in Conversation (ERC) has attracted growing attention in recent years as a result of the advancement and implementation of human-computer interface technologies.

20 Mar 2023

Multivariate, Multi-Frequency and Multimodal: Rethinking Graph Neural Networks for Emotion Recognition in Conversation

feiyuchen7/M3NET CVPR 2023

Yet, previous works tend to encode multimodal and contextual relationships in a loosely-coupled manner, which may harm relationship modelling.

01 Jan 2023

UniMSE: Towards Unified Multimodal Sentiment Analysis and Emotion Recognition

lemei/unimse 21 Nov 2022

Multimodal sentiment analysis (MSA) and emotion recognition in conversation (ERC) are key research topics for computers to understand human behaviors.

21 Nov 2022