Font Generation

21 papers with code • 1 benchmarks • 3 datasets

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Most implemented papers

Font Style that Fits an Image -- Font Generation Based on Image Context

Taylister/FontFits 19 May 2021

We propose an end-to-end neural network that inputs the book cover, a target location mask, and a desired book title and outputs stylized text suitable for the cover.

Look Closer to Supervise Better: One-Shot Font Generation via Component-Based Discriminator

kyxscut/CG-GAN CVPR 2022

Automatic font generation remains a challenging research issue due to the large amounts of characters with complicated structures.

Instance Segmentation for Chinese Character Stroke Extraction, Datasets and Benchmarks

lizhaoliu-lec/ccse 25 Oct 2022

Moreover, there are no standardized benchmarks to provide a fair comparison between different stroke extraction methods, which, we believe, is a major impediment to the development of Chinese character stroke understanding and related tasks.

GAS-NeXt: Few-Shot Cross-Lingual Font Generator

cmu-11785-f22-55/gas-next 6 Dec 2022

Generating new fonts is a time-consuming and labor-intensive task, especially in a language with a huge amount of characters like Chinese.

Diff-Font: Diffusion Model for Robust One-Shot Font Generation

hxyz-123/font-diff 12 Dec 2022

Specifically, a large stroke-wise dataset is constructed, and a stroke-wise diffusion model is proposed to preserve the structure and the completion of each generated character.

DGFont++: Robust Deformable Generative Networks for Unsupervised Font Generation

ecnuycxie/DG-Font 30 Dec 2022

Moreover, we introduce contrastive self-supervised learning to learn a robust style representation for fonts by understanding the similarity and dissimilarities of fonts.

Neural Transformation Fields for Arbitrary-Styled Font Generation

fubinfb/ntf CVPR 2023

Few-shot font generation (FFG), aiming at generating font images with a few samples, is an emerging topic in recent years due to the academic and commercial values.

CF-Font: Content Fusion for Few-shot Font Generation

wangchi95/cf-font CVPR 2023

Content and style disentanglement is an effective way to achieve few-shot font generation.

VQ-Font: Few-Shot Font Generation with Structure-Aware Enhancement and Quantization

yaomingshuai/vq-font 27 Aug 2023

In this paper, we propose a VQGAN-based framework (i. e., VQ-Font) to enhance glyph fidelity through token prior refinement and structure-aware enhancement.

Few shot font generation via transferring similarity guided global style and quantization local style

awei669/VQ-Font ICCV 2023

To better capture the local styles, a cross-attention-based style transfer module is adopted to transfer the styles of reference glyphs to the components, where the components are self-learned discrete latent codes through vector quantization without manual definition.