Gender Prediction

23 papers with code • 3 benchmarks • 8 datasets

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Most implemented papers

Real-time Convolutional Neural Networks for Emotion and Gender Classification

oarriaga/face_classification 20 Oct 2017

In this paper we propose an implement a general convolutional neural network (CNN) building framework for designing real-time CNNs.

Rank consistent ordinal regression for neural networks with application to age estimation

Raschka-research-group/coral-cnn 20 Jan 2019

In many real-world prediction tasks, class labels include information about the relative ordering between labels, which is not captured by commonly-used loss functions such as multi-category cross-entropy.

Increasingly Packing Multiple Facial-Informatics Modules in A Unified Deep-Learning Model via Lifelong Learning

ivclab/PAE Proceedings of the 2019 on International Conference on Multimedia Retrieval 2019

Simultaneously running multiple modules is a key requirement for a smart multimedia system for facial applications including face recognition, facial expression understanding, and gender identification.

Deep Learning for ECG Analysis: Benchmarks and Insights from PTB-XL

helme/ecg_ptbxl_benchmarking 28 Apr 2020

Electrocardiography is a very common, non-invasive diagnostic procedure and its interpretation is increasingly supported by automatic interpretation algorithms.

A Large-Scale Rich Context Query and Recommendation Dataset in Online Knowledge-Sharing

THUIR/ZhihuRec-Dataset 11 Jun 2021

To the best of our knowledge, this is the largest real-world interaction dataset for personalized recommendation.

Predicting Gender by First Name Using Character-level Machine Learning

roscibely/Gender-Classification 18 Jun 2021

Predicting gender by the first name is not a simple task.

Self-Supervised Transformers for fMRI representation

gonyrosenman/tff 10 Dec 2021

We present TFF, which is a Transformer framework for the analysis of functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI) data.

Robustness Disparities in Face Detection

dooleys/robustness 29 Nov 2022

Many existing algorithmic audits examine the performance of these systems on later stage elements of facial analysis systems like facial recognition and age, emotion, or perceived gender prediction; however, a core component to these systems has been vastly understudied from a fairness perspective: face detection, sometimes called face localization.

Modeling the Temporal Nature of Human Behavior for Demographics Prediction

yvesalexandre/convnet-metadata 20 Nov 2015

Mobile phone metadata is increasingly used for humanitarian purposes in developing countries as traditional data is scarce.

A Fusion-based Gender Recognition Method Using Facial Images

bghojogh/Face-Gender-Recognition-Fusion 17 Nov 2017

This paper proposes a fusion-based gender recognition method which uses facial images as input.