Image-text Classification

6 papers with code • 0 benchmarks • 1 datasets

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Most implemented papers

Context-Aware Compilation of DNN Training Pipelines across Edge and Cloud

dixiyao/Context-Aware-Compilation-of-DNN-Training-Pipelines-across-Edge-and-Cloud Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies 2021

Experimental results show that our system not only adapts well to, but also draws on the varying contexts, delivering a practical and efficient solution to edge-cloud model training.

GLAMI-1M: A Multilingual Image-Text Fashion Dataset

glami/glami-1m BMVC 2022

We introduce GLAMI-1M: the largest multilingual image-text classification dataset and benchmark.

DIFFormer: Scalable (Graph) Transformers Induced by Energy Constrained Diffusion

qitianwu/difformer 23 Jan 2023

Real-world data generation often involves complex inter-dependencies among instances, violating the IID-data hypothesis of standard learning paradigms and posing a challenge for uncovering the geometric structures for learning desired instance representations.

Towards Unifying Medical Vision-and-Language Pre-training via Soft Prompts

zhjohnchan/ptunifier ICCV 2023

Medical vision-and-language pre-training (Med-VLP) has shown promising improvements on many downstream medical tasks owing to its applicability to extracting generic representations from medical images and texts.

UniS-MMC: Multimodal Classification via Unimodality-supervised Multimodal Contrastive Learning

vincent-zhq/unis-mmc 16 May 2023

Multimodal learning aims to imitate human beings to acquire complementary information from multiple modalities for various downstream tasks.

GIST: Generating Image-Specific Text for Fine-grained Object Classification

emu1729/gist 21 Jul 2023

We demonstrate the utility of GIST by fine-tuning vision-language models on the image-and-generated-text pairs to learn an aligned vision-language representation space for improved classification.