Intent Detection

110 papers with code • 17 benchmarks • 20 datasets

Intent Detection is a task of determining the underlying purpose or goal behind a user's search query given a context. The task plays a significant role in search and recommendations. A traditional approach for intent detection implies using an intent detector model to classify user search query into predefined intent categories, given a context. One of the key challenges of the task implies identifying user intents for cold-start sessions, i.e., search sessions initiated by a non-logged-in or unrecognized user.

Source: Analyzing and Predicting Purchase Intent in E-commerce: Anonymous vs. Identified Customers


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Most implemented papers

MCENET: Multi-Context Encoder Network for Homogeneous Agent Trajectory Prediction in Mixed Traffic

haohao11/MCENET 14 Feb 2020

In inference time, we combine the past context and motion information of the target agent with samplings of the latent variables to predict multiple realistic trajectories in the future.

A Post-processing Method for Detecting Unknown Intent of Dialogue System via Pre-trained Deep Neural Network Classifier

tnlin/SMDN 7 Mar 2020

In this paper, we propose SofterMax and deep novelty detection (SMDN), a simple yet effective post-processing method for detecting unknown intent in dialogue systems based on pre-trained deep neural network classifiers.

TOD-BERT: Pre-trained Natural Language Understanding for Task-Oriented Dialogue

jasonwu0731/ToD-BERT EMNLP 2020

The underlying difference of linguistic patterns between general text and task-oriented dialogue makes existing pre-trained language models less useful in practice.

AGIF: An Adaptive Graph-Interactive Framework for Joint Multiple Intent Detection and Slot Filling

LooperXX/AGIF Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics 2020

Such an interaction layer is applied to each token adaptively, which has the advantage to automatically extract the relevant intents information, making a fine-grained intent information integration for the token-level slot prediction.

FuSSI-Net: Fusion of Spatio-temporal Skeletons for Intention Prediction Network

matthew29tang/pid-model 15 May 2020

Pedestrian intention recognition is very important to develop robust and safe autonomous driving (AD) and advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS) functionalities for urban driving.

Attention-based Graph ResNet for Motor Intent Detection from Raw EEG signals

SuperBruceJia/EEG-DL 25 Jun 2020

In previous studies, decoding electroencephalography (EEG) signals has not considered the topological relationship of EEG electrodes.

Privacy Guarantees for De-identifying Text Transformations

uds-lsv/privacy-preserving-text-transformer 7 Aug 2020

Machine Learning approaches to Natural Language Processing tasks benefit from a comprehensive collection of real-life user data.

HINT3: Raising the bar for Intent Detection in the Wild

hellohaptik/HINT3 EMNLP (insights) 2020

Intent Detection systems in the real world are exposed to complexities of imbalanced datasets containing varying perception of intent, unintended correlations and domain-specific aberrations.