Movie Recommendation

24 papers with code • 1 benchmarks • 2 datasets

Evaluates the ability of language models to propose relevant movie recommendations with collaborative filtering data.

Source: BIG-bench

Most implemented papers

Obeying the Order: Introducing Ordered Transfer Hyperparameter Optimisation

sighellan/syne-tune 29 Jun 2023

We introduce ordered transfer hyperparameter optimisation (OTHPO), a version of transfer learning for hyperparameter optimisation (HPO) where the tasks follow a sequential order.

On Generative Agents in Recommendation

LehengTHU/Agent4Rec 16 Oct 2023

Recommender systems are the cornerstone of today's information dissemination, yet a disconnect between offline metrics and online performance greatly hinders their development.

LlamaRec: Two-Stage Recommendation using Large Language Models for Ranking

yueeeeeeee/llamarec 25 Oct 2023

Recently, large language models (LLMs) have exhibited significant progress in language understanding and generation.

LFG: A Generative Network for Real-Time Recommendation

Coder-II/LFG 31 Oct 2023

The recommendation model known as LFM (Latent Factor Model), which captures latent features through matrix factorization and gradient descent to fit user preferences, has given rise to various recommendation algorithms that bring new improvements in recommendation accuracy.