Multi-Agent Path Finding

29 papers with code • 0 benchmarks • 2 datasets

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Most implemented papers

Multi-objective Conflict-based Search Using Safe-interval Path Planning

wonderren/public_cppmomapf 2 Aug 2021

This paper addresses a generalization of the well known multi-agent path finding (MAPF) problem that optimizes multiple conflicting objectives simultaneously such as travel time and path risk.

Learning Selective Communication for Multi-Agent Path Finding

ziyuanma/dcc 12 Sep 2021

Learning communication via deep reinforcement learning (RL) or imitation learning (IL) has recently been shown to be an effective way to solve Multi-Agent Path Finding (MAPF).

Subdimensional Expansion Using Attention-Based Learning For Multi-Agent Path Finding

lakshayvirmani/learning-assisted-mstar 29 Sep 2021

By leveraging a Visual Transformer, we develop a learning-based single-agent planner, which plans for a single agent while paying attention to both the structure of the map and other agents with whom conflicts may happen.

Coordinated Multi-Agent Pathfinding for Drones and Trucks over Road Networks

shushman/aerialgroundpathfinding.jl 17 Oct 2021

The second stage solves only for drones, by routing them over a composite of the road network and the transit network defined by truck paths from the first stage.

Multi-Agent Path Finding with Prioritized Communication Learning

mail-ecnu/PICO 8 Feb 2022

The learning-based, fully decentralized framework has been introduced to alleviate real-time problems and simultaneously pursue optimal planning policy.

Leveraging Experience in Lifelong Multi-Agent Pathfinding

nitzanmadar/expbs-exrhcr 9 Feb 2022

Therefore, a solution to one query informs the next query, which leads to similarity with respect to the agents' start and goal positions, and how collisions need to be resolved from one query to the next.

Toward multi-target self-organizing pursuit in a partially observable Markov game

lijunsun90/pursuitfsc2 24 Jun 2022

The proposed distributed algorithm: fuzzy self-organizing cooperative coevolution (FSC2) is then leveraged to resolve the three challenges in multi-target SOP: distributed self-organizing search (SOS), distributed task allocation, and distributed single-target pursuit.

Multi-Agent Path Finding via Tree LSTM

liqimai/flatland-marl 24 Oct 2022

In recent years, Multi-Agent Path Finding (MAPF) has attracted attention from the fields of both Operations Research (OR) and Reinforcement Learning (RL).

Multi-Robot Coordination and Layout Design for Automated Warehousing

lunjohnzhang/warehouse_env_gen_public 10 May 2023

We show that, even with state-of-the-art MAPF algorithms, commonly used human-designed layouts can lead to congestion for warehouses with large numbers of robots and thus have limited scalability.

SACHA: Soft Actor-Critic with Heuristic-Based Attention for Partially Observable Multi-Agent Path Finding

qiushi-lin/sacha 5 Jul 2023

To tackle this challenge, we propose a multi-agent actor-critic method called Soft Actor-Critic with Heuristic-Based Attention (SACHA), which employs novel heuristic-based attention mechanisms for both the actors and critics to encourage cooperation among agents.