Object Counting

62 papers with code • 10 benchmarks • 23 datasets

The goal of Object Counting task is to count the number of object instances in a single image or video sequence. It has many real-world applications such as traffic flow monitoring, crowdedness estimation, and product counting.

Source: Learning to Count Objects with Few Exemplar Annotations


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Most implemented papers

MoVie: Revisiting Modulated Convolutions for Visual Counting and Beyond

facebookresearch/mmf ICLR 2021

This paper focuses on visual counting, which aims to predict the number of occurrences given a natural image and a query (e. g. a question or a category).

Counting from Sky: A Large-scale Dataset for Remote Sensing Object Counting and A Benchmark Method

gaoguangshuai/Counting-from-Sky-A-Large-scale-Dataset-for-Remote-Sensing-Object-Counting-and-A-Benchmark-Method 28 Aug 2020

Object counting, whose aim is to estimate the number of objects from a given image, is an important and challenging computation task.

PSGCNet: A Pyramidal Scale and Global Context Guided Network for Dense Object Counting in Remote Sensing Images

gaoguangshuai/psgcnet 7 Dec 2020

Object counting, which aims to count the accurate number of object instances in images, has been attracting more and more attention.

Heatmap-based Object Detection and Tracking with a Fully Convolutional Neural Network

FabianAmherd/CNN_ER_FA 10 Jan 2021

While CueNet V1 has a single input image, the approach with CueNet V2 was to take three consecutive 240 x 180-pixel images as an input and transform them into a probability heatmap for the cueball's location.

Image Augmentation for Multitask Few-Shot Learning: Agricultural Domain Use-Case

NesterukSergey/segmentation_image_augmentation 24 Feb 2021

Large datasets' availability is catalyzing a rapid expansion of deep learning in general and computer vision in particular.

Learning To Count Everything

cvlab-stonybrook/LearningToCountEverything CVPR 2021

We also present a novel adaptation strategy to adapt our network to any novel visual category at test time, using only a few exemplar objects from the novel category.


SinicaGroup/Class-agnostic-Few-shot-Object-Counting WACV 2021

Instead of counting a pre-defined class, our model is able to count instances based on input reference images and reduces the huge cost of data collection, training and parameter tuning for each new object class.

Spatial-Temporal Super-Resolution of Satellite Imagery via Conditional Pixel Synthesis

KellyYutongHe/satellite-pixel-synthesis-pytorch NeurIPS 2021

High-resolution satellite imagery has proven useful for a broad range of tasks, including measurement of global human population, local economic livelihoods, and biodiversity, among many others.

An Accurate Car Counting in Aerial Images Based on Convolutional Neural Networks

ekilic/Heatmap-Learner-CNN-for-Object-Counting Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing 2021

The proposed model, called heatmap learner convolutional neural network (HLCNN), is used to predict the heatmap of target car instances.

Automating cell counting in fluorescent microscopy through deep learning with c-ResUnet

robomorelli/cell_counting_yellow Scientific Reports 2021

Counting cells in fluorescent microscopy is a tedious, time-consuming task that researchers have to accomplish to assess the effects of different experimental conditions on biological structures of interest.