Proper Noun

4 papers with code • 1 benchmarks • 1 datasets

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Most implemented papers

Large-scale Bilingual Language-Image Contrastive Learning

navervision/kelip 28 Mar 2022

This paper is a technical report to share our experience and findings building a Korean and English bilingual multimodal model.

"Covid vaccine is against Covid but Oxford vaccine is made at Oxford!" Semantic Interpretation of Proper Noun Compounds

dair-iitd/pronci 24 Oct 2022

Proper noun compounds, e. g., "Covid vaccine", convey information in a succinct manner (a "Covid vaccine" is a "vaccine that immunizes against the Covid disease").

NuTrea: Neural Tree Search for Context-guided Multi-hop KGQA

mlvlab/nutrea NeurIPS 2023

Multi-hop Knowledge Graph Question Answering (KGQA) is a task that involves retrieving nodes from a knowledge graph (KG) to answer natural language questions.

MaskDiffusion: Exploiting Pre-trained Diffusion Models for Semantic Segmentation

valkyrja3607/maskdiffusion 17 Mar 2024

Semantic segmentation is essential in computer vision for various applications, yet traditional approaches face significant challenges, including the high cost of annotation and extensive training for supervised learning.