Rgb-T Tracking

14 papers with code • 4 benchmarks • 2 datasets

RGBT tracking, or RGB-Thermal tracking, is a sophisticated method utilized in computer vision for tracking objects across both RGB (Red, Green, Blue) and thermal infrared modalities. This technique combines information from both RGB and thermal imagery to enhance object detection and tracking performance, particularly in challenging environments where lighting conditions may vary or be limited. By integrating data from these two modalities, RGBT tracking systems can effectively compensate for the limitations of each individual modality, such as the inability of RGB cameras to capture clear images in low-light or adverse weather conditions, and the inability of thermal cameras to accurately identify object details. RGBT tracking algorithms typically involve sophisticated fusion techniques to combine information from RGB and thermal sensors, enabling robust and accurate object tracking in diverse scenarios ranging from surveillance and security applications to autonomous vehicles and search and rescue operations.

Most implemented papers

Unified Sequence-to-Sequence Learning for Single- and Multi-Modal Visual Object Tracking

chenxin-dlut/seqtrackv2 CVPR 2023

In this paper, we introduce a new sequence-to-sequence learning framework for RGB-based and multi-modal object tracking.

Unified Single-Stage Transformer Network for Efficient RGB-T Tracking

xiajianqiang/USTrack 26 Aug 2023

With this structure, the network can extract fusion features of the template and search region under the mutual interaction of modalities.

RGB-T Tracking via Multi-Modal Mutual Prompt Learning

husteryoung/mplt 31 Aug 2023

Object tracking based on the fusion of visible and thermal im-ages, known as RGB-T tracking, has gained increasing atten-tion from researchers in recent years.

Bi-directional Adapter for Multi-modal Tracking

sparktempest/bat 17 Dec 2023

To handle this problem, we propose a novel multi-modal visual prompt tracking model based on a universal bi-directional adapter, cross-prompting multiple modalities mutually.