Robust Face Recognition

22 papers with code • 0 benchmarks • 6 datasets

Robust face recognition is the task of performing recognition in an unconstrained environment, where there is variation of view-point, scale, pose, illumination and expression of the face images.

( Image credit: MeGlass dataset )

Most implemented papers

SFace: Sigmoid-Constrained Hypersphere Loss for Robust Face Recognition

zhongyy/SFace IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 2021

Deep face recognition has achieved great success due to large-scale training databases and rapidly developing loss functions.

SER-FIQ: Unsupervised Estimation of Face Image Quality Based on Stochastic Embedding Robustness

pterhoer/FaceImageQuality 20 Mar 2020

Face image quality is an important factor to enable high performance face recognition systems.

Weakly supervised discriminative feature learning with state information for person identification

KovenYu/state-information CVPR 2020

We evaluate our model on unsupervised person re-identification and pose-invariant face recognition.

Fast L1-Minimization Algorithms For Robust Face Recognition

vbonifaci/l1opt 21 Jul 2010

L1-minimization refers to finding the minimum L1-norm solution to an underdetermined linear system b=Ax.

Multi-Directional Multi-Level Dual-Cross Patterns for Robust Face Recognition

ppolon/dcp 21 Jan 2014

To perform unconstrained face recognition robust to variations in illumination, pose and expression, this paper presents a new scheme to extract "Multi-Directional Multi-Level Dual-Cross Patterns" (MDML-DCPs) from face images.

A Fast and Accurate Unconstrained Face Detector

N2ITN/Face2Vec 6 Aug 2014

First, a new image feature called Normalized Pixel Difference (NPD) is proposed.

A Comprehensive Survey on Pose-Invariant Face Recognition

amanshenoy/pose-invariant-face-recognition 15 Feb 2015

The capacity to recognize faces under varied poses is a fundamental human ability that presents a unique challenge for computer vision systems.

Person Re-Identification by Multi-Channel Parts-Based CNN With Improved Triplet Loss Function

Elman295/Face_Recognition_by_Multi_Channel_CNN_and_improved_Triplet_loss CVPR 2016

Person re-identification across cameras remains a very challenging problem, especially when there are no overlapping fields of view between cameras.