Row Annotation

1 papers with code • 1 benchmarks • 1 datasets

Row Annotation is the task of linking a row to a real-world entity and is a subtask of Table Annotation. It differs from Cell Entity Annotation because CEA considers the linking of cells to entities while Row Annotation assumes that there is only an entity described in a row which usually is located in the main/entity column.

A row is annotated using entities from different knowledge bases such as DBpedia or WikiData.


Most implemented papers

Matching web tables to DBpedia-A feature utility study

T2KFramework/T2K EDBT 2017

This paper contributes to improve the understanding of the utility of different features for web table to knowledge base matching by reimplementing different matching techniques as well as similarity score aggregation methods from literature within a single matching framework and evaluating different combinations of these techniques against a single gold standard.