Salient Object Detection

235 papers with code • 6 benchmarks • 16 datasets

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Most implemented papers

Non-Local Deep Features for Salient Object Detection

zhimingluo/NLDF CVPR 2017

Saliency detection aims to highlight the most relevant objects in an image.

PDNet: Prior-model Guided Depth-enhanced Network for Salient Object Detection

ChunbiaoZhu/PDNet 23 Mar 2018

One is the lack of tremendous amount of annotated data to train a network.

Hyperspectral Image Dataset for Benchmarking on Salient Object Detection

gistairc/HS-SOD 29 Jun 2018

Many works have been done on salient object detection using supervised or unsupervised approaches on colour images.

PiCANet: Pixel-wise Contextual Attention Learning for Accurate Saliency Detection

nian-liu/PiCANet 15 Dec 2018

We propose three specific formulations of the PiCANet via embedding the pixel-wise contextual attention mechanism into the pooling and convolution operations with attending to global or local contexts.

Contrast Prior and Fluid Pyramid Integration for RGBD Salient Object Detection

taozh2017/RGBD-SODsurvey CVPR 2019

The large availability of depth sensors provides valuable complementary information for salient object detection (SOD) in RGBD images.

Rethinking RGB-D Salient Object Detection: Models, Data Sets, and Large-Scale Benchmarks

DengPingFan/D3NetBenchmark 15 Jul 2019

The use of RGB-D information for salient object detection has been extensively explored in recent years.

Motion Guided Attention for Video Salient Object Detection

lhaof/fast-salient-object-detection ICCV 2019

In this paper, we develop a multi-task motion guided video salient object detection network, which learns to accomplish two sub-tasks using two sub-networks, one sub-network for salient object detection in still images and the other for motion saliency detection in optical flow images.

A Fixation-based 360° Benchmark Dataset for Salient Object Detection

Panorama-Bill/F-360iSOD 22 Jan 2020

Experimental results show a limitation of the current methods when used for SOD in panoramic images, which indicates the proposed dataset is challenging.

Global Context-Aware Progressive Aggregation Network for Salient Object Detection

JosephChenHub/GCPANet 2 Mar 2020

Deep convolutional neural networks have achieved competitive performance in salient object detection, in which how to learn effective and comprehensive features plays a critical role.

Multi-interactive Dual-decoder for RGB-thermal Salient Object Detection

lz118/Multi-interactive-Siamese-Decoder 5 May 2020

Then, we design a novel dual-decoder to conduct the interactions of multi-level features, two modalities and global contexts.