Semi-supervised Medical Image Classification

6 papers with code • 1 benchmarks • 1 datasets

Semi-supervised Medical Image Classification

Most implemented papers

In Defense of Pseudo-Labeling: An Uncertainty-Aware Pseudo-label Selection Framework for Semi-Supervised Learning

nayeemrizve/ups ICLR 2021

The recent research in semi-supervised learning (SSL) is mostly dominated by consistency regularization based methods which achieve strong performance.

Semi-supervised Medical Image Classification with Relation-driven Self-ensembling Model

liuquande/SRC-MT 15 May 2020

It is a consistency-based method which exploits the unlabeled data by encouraging the prediction consistency of given input under perturbations, and leverages a self-ensembling model to produce high-quality consistency targets for the unlabeled data.

Semi-supervised Medical Image Classification with Global Latent Mixing

Prasanna1991/LatentMixing 22 May 2020

In this work, we argue that regularizing the global smoothness of neural functions by filling the void in between data points can further improve SSL.

Self-supervised Mean Teacher for Semi-supervised Chest X-ray Classification

fengbeiliu/semi-chest 5 Mar 2021

In this paper, we propose Self-supervised Mean Teacher for Semi-supervised (S$^2$MTS$^2$) learning that combines self-supervised mean-teacher pre-training with semi-supervised fine-tuning.

Federated Semi-supervised Medical Image Classification via Inter-client Relation Matching

liuquande/FedIRM 16 Jun 2021

This paper studies a practical yet challenging FL problem, named \textit{Federated Semi-supervised Learning} (FSSL), which aims to learn a federated model by jointly utilizing the data from both labeled and unlabeled clients (i. e., hospitals).

ACPL: Anti-curriculum Pseudo-labelling for Semi-supervised Medical Image Classification


Effective semi-supervised learning (SSL) in medical image analysis (MIA) must address two challenges: 1) work effectively on both multi-class (e. g., lesion classification) and multi-label (e. g., multiple-disease diagnosis) problems, and 2) handle imbalanced learning (because of the high variance in disease prevalence).