Sentence Embeddings

219 papers with code • 0 benchmarks • 11 datasets

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Most implemented papers

Hyperbolic Neural Networks

dalab/hyperbolic_nn NeurIPS 2018

However, the representational power of hyperbolic geometry is not yet on par with Euclidean geometry, mostly because of the absence of corresponding hyperbolic neural network layers.

Categorizing Comparative Sentences

uhh-lt/comparative WS 2019

We tackle the tasks of automatically identifying comparative sentences and categorizing the intended preference (e. g., "Python has better NLP libraries than MATLAB" => (Python, better, MATLAB).

ScanRefer: 3D Object Localization in RGB-D Scans using Natural Language

daveredrum/ScanRefer ECCV 2020

We introduce the task of 3D object localization in RGB-D scans using natural language descriptions.

Pre-training is a Hot Topic: Contextualized Document Embeddings Improve Topic Coherence

MilaNLProc/contextualized-topic-models ACL 2021

Topic models extract groups of words from documents, whose interpretation as a topic hopefully allows for a better understanding of the data.

On the Sentence Embeddings from Pre-trained Language Models

bohanli/BERT-flow EMNLP 2020

Pre-trained contextual representations like BERT have achieved great success in natural language processing.

Rediscovering Hashed Random Projections for Efficient Quantization of Contextualized Sentence Embeddings

satzbeleg/keras-hrp 13 Mar 2023

Training and inference on edge devices often requires an efficient setup due to computational limitations.

Siamese CBOW: Optimizing Word Embeddings for Sentence Representations

TomKenter/siamese-cbow ACL 2016

We present the Siamese Continuous Bag of Words (Siamese CBOW) model, a neural network for efficient estimation of high-quality sentence embeddings.

A Corpus for Multilingual Document Classification in Eight Languages

facebookresearch/MLDoc LREC 2018

In addition, we have observed that the class prior distributions differ significantly between the languages.

Learning Semantic Sentence Embeddings using Sequential Pair-wise Discriminator

dev-chauhan/PQG-pytorch COLING 2018

One way to ensure this is by adding constraints for true paraphrase embeddings to be close and unrelated paraphrase candidate sentence embeddings to be far.

Hateminers : Detecting Hate speech against Women

punyajoy/Hateminers-EVALITA 17 Dec 2018

With the online proliferation of hate speech, there is an urgent need for systems that can detect such harmful content.