Single-cell modeling

3 papers with code • 0 benchmarks • 0 datasets

Single Cell RNA sequencing (scRNAseq) revolutionized our understanding of the fundamental of life sciences. The technology enables an unprecedented resolution to study heterogeneity in cell populations and their functionalities.

Most implemented papers

The Deep Generative Decoder: MAP estimation of representations improves modeling of single-cell RNA data

Center-for-Health-Data-Science/scDGD 13 Oct 2021

Learning low-dimensional representations of single-cell transcriptomics has become instrumental to its downstream analysis.

SISUA: Semi-Supervised Generative Autoencoder for Single Cell Data

trungnt13/sisua ICML Workshop on Computational Biology 2019 2019

In this study, we propose models based on the Bayesian generative approach, where protein quantification available as CITE-seq counts from the same cells are used to constrain the learning process, thus forming a semi-supervised model.

Foundation Models Meet Imbalanced Single-Cell Data When Learning Cell Type Annotations

SabbaghCodes/ImbalancedLearningForSingleCellFoundationModels bioRxiv 2023

We benchmark three foundation models, scGPT, scBERT, and Geneformer, using skewed single-cell cell-type distribution for cell-type annotation.