Single-View 3D Reconstruction
50 papers with code • 8 benchmarks • 14 datasets
Most implemented papers
Learning Implicit Fields for Generative Shape Modeling
We advocate the use of implicit fields for learning generative models of shapes and introduce an implicit field decoder, called IM-NET, for shape generation, aimed at improving the visual quality of the generated shapes.
DISN: Deep Implicit Surface Network for High-quality Single-view 3D Reconstruction
Reconstructing 3D shapes from single-view images has been a long-standing research problem.
PQ-NET: A Generative Part Seq2Seq Network for 3D Shapes
We introduce PQ-NET, a deep neural network which represents and generates 3D shapes via sequential part assembly.
Soft Rasterizer: A Differentiable Renderer for Image-based 3D Reasoning
Rendering bridges the gap between 2D vision and 3D scenes by simulating the physical process of image formation.
Learning to Detect 3D Reflection Symmetry for Single-View Reconstruction
In this work, we focus on object-level 3D reconstruction and present a geometry-based end-to-end deep learning framework that first detects the mirror plane of reflection symmetry that commonly exists in man-made objects and then predicts depth maps by finding the intra-image pixel-wise correspondence of the symmetry.
MonoScene: Monocular 3D Semantic Scene Completion
MonoScene proposes a 3D Semantic Scene Completion (SSC) framework, where the dense geometry and semantics of a scene are inferred from a single monocular RGB image.
SyncDreamer: Generating Multiview-consistent Images from a Single-view Image
In this paper, we present a novel diffusion model called that generates multiview-consistent images from a single-view image.
3D-LMNet: Latent Embedding Matching for Accurate and Diverse 3D Point Cloud Reconstruction from a Single Image
3D reconstruction from single view images is an ill-posed problem.
Learning Single-View 3D Reconstruction with Limited Pose Supervision
It is expensive to label images with 3D structure or precise camera pose.
Domain-Adaptive Single-View 3D Reconstruction
In this paper, we propose a framework to improve over these challenges using adversarial training.