Smile Recognition

1 benchmarks • 1 datasets

Smile recognition is the task of recognising a smiling face in a photo or video.


Latest papers with no code

Deep learning for identification and face, gender, expression recognition under constraints

no code yet • 2 Nov 2021

The main objective of this work is to test the ability of deep learning based automated computer system to identify not only persons, but also to perform recognition of gender, age, and facial expressions such as eye smile.

RealSmileNet: A Deep End-To-End Network for Spontaneous and Posed Smile Recognition

no code yet • 7 Oct 2020

Smiles play a vital role in the understanding of social interactions within different communities, and reveal the physical state of mind of people in both real and deceptive ways.

Registration-free Face-SSD: Single shot analysis of smiles, facial attributes, and affect in the wild

no code yet • 11 Feb 2019

In this paper, we present a novel single shot face-related task analysis method, called Face-SSD, for detecting faces and for performing various face-related (classification/regression) tasks including smile recognition, face attribute prediction and valence-arousal estimation in the wild.

Deep Learning For Smile Recognition

no code yet • 30 Jan 2016

Inspired by recent successes of deep learning in computer vision, we propose a novel application of deep convolutional neural networks to facial expression recognition, in particular smile recognition.

Deep Convolutional Neural Networks for Smile Recognition

no code yet • 26 Aug 2015

It then provides a literature review of convolutional neural networks and recurrent neural networks.