Surgical tool detection

10 papers with code • 2 benchmarks • 5 datasets

Presence detection of various classes of surgical instruments in endoscopy videos.

Most implemented papers

SSD: Single Shot MultiBox Detector

weiliu89/caffe 8 Dec 2015

Experimental results on the PASCAL VOC, MS COCO, and ILSVRC datasets confirm that SSD has comparable accuracy to methods that utilize an additional object proposal step and is much faster, while providing a unified framework for both training and inference.

EndoNet: A Deep Architecture for Recognition Tasks on Laparoscopic Videos

YuemingJin/TMRNet 9 Feb 2016

In the literature, two types of features are typically used to perform this task: visual features and tool usage signals.

CholecTriplet2022: Show me a tool and tell me the triplet -- an endoscopic vision challenge for surgical action triplet detection

CAMMA-public/cholect50 13 Feb 2023

This paper presents the CholecTriplet2022 challenge, which extends surgical action triplet modeling from recognition to detection.

Weakly-Supervised Learning for Tool Localization in Laparoscopic Videos

CAMMA-public/ai4surgery 14 Jun 2018

We propose a deep architecture, trained solely on image level annotations, that can be used for both tool presence detection and localization in surgical videos.

Weakly Supervised Convolutional LSTM Approach for Tool Tracking in Laparoscopic Videos

CAMMA-public/ConvLSTM-Surgical-Tool-Tracker 4 Dec 2018

Results: We build a baseline tracker on top of the CNN model and demonstrate that our approach based on the ConvLSTM outperforms the baseline in tool presence detection, spatial localization, and motion tracking by over 5. 0%, 13. 9%, and 12. 6%, respectively.

Multi-Task Recurrent Convolutional Network with Correlation Loss for Surgical Video Analysis

YuemingJin/MTRCNet-CL 13 Jul 2019

Mutually leveraging both low-level feature sharing and high-level prediction correlating, our MTRCNet-CL method can encourage the interactions between the two tasks to a large extent, and hence can bring about benefits to each other.

Dissecting Self-Supervised Learning Methods for Surgical Computer Vision

camma-public/selfsupsurg 1 Jul 2022

Correct transfer of these methods to surgery, as described and conducted in this work, leads to substantial performance gains over generic uses of SSL - up to 7. 4% on phase recognition and 20% on tool presence detection - as well as state-of-the-art semi-supervised phase recognition approaches by up to 14%.

A semi-supervised Teacher-Student framework for surgical tool detection and localization

mansoor-at/semi-supervised-surgical-tool-detection 21 Aug 2022

Therefore, in this paper we introduce a semi-supervised learning (SSL) framework in surgical tool detection paradigm which aims to mitigate the scarcity of training data and the data imbalance through a knowledge distillation approach.

PWISeg: Point-based Weakly-supervised Instance Segmentation for Surgical Instruments

seanxuu/PWISeg 16 Nov 2023

To address this issue, we propose a novel yet effective weakly-supervised surgical instrument instance segmentation approach, named Point-based Weakly-supervised Instance Segmentation (PWISeg).

EgoSurgery-Tool: A Dataset of Surgical Tool and Hand Detection from Egocentric Open Surgery Videos

fujiry0/egosurgery 5 Jun 2024

Surgical tool detection is a fundamental task for understanding egocentric open surgery videos.