Table-based Fact Verification

14 papers with code • 1 benchmarks • 2 datasets

Verifying facts given semi-structured data.

Most implemented papers

ReasTAP: Injecting Table Reasoning Skills During Pre-training via Synthetic Reasoning Examples

yale-lily/reastap 22 Oct 2022

Reasoning over tabular data requires both table structure understanding and a broad set of table reasoning skills.

PASTA: Table-Operations Aware Fact Verification via Sentence-Table Cloze Pre-training

ruc-datalab/PASTA 5 Nov 2022

In particular, on the complex set of TabFact, which contains multiple operations, PASTA largely outperforms the previous state of the art by 4. 7 points (85. 6% vs. 80. 9%), and the gap between PASTA and human performance on the small TabFact test set is narrowed to just 1. 5 points (90. 6% vs. 92. 1%).

Large Language Models are Versatile Decomposers: Decompose Evidence and Questions for Table-based Reasoning

alibabaresearch/damo-convai 31 Jan 2023

To alleviate the above challenges, we exploit large language models (LLMs) as decomposers for effective table-based reasoning, which (i) decompose huge evidence (a huge table) into sub-evidence (a small table) to mitigate the interference of useless information for table reasoning; and (ii) decompose complex questions into simpler sub-questions for text reasoning.

Heuristic Heterogeneous Graph Reasoning Networks for Fact Verification

2024-MindSpore-1/Code2 journal 2023

In this work, we propose heuristic heterogeneous graph reasoning networks (H2GRN) to capture the shared consistent evidence by strengthening associations between linguistic and logical evidence from two perspectives of graph construction and reasoning mechanism.