Table Detection

20 papers with code • 3 benchmarks • 9 datasets

Most implemented papers

TableBank: Table Benchmark for Image-based Table Detection and Recognition

doc-analysis/TableBank LREC 2020

We present TableBank, a new image-based table detection and recognition dataset built with novel weak supervision from Word and Latex documents on the internet.

Multi-Type-TD-TSR -- Extracting Tables from Document Images using a Multi-stage Pipeline for Table Detection and Table Structure Recognition: from OCR to Structured Table Representations

Psarpei/Multi-Type-TD-TSR 23 May 2021

It utilizes state-of-the-art deep learning models for table detection and differentiates between 3 different types of tables based on the tables' borders.

Flexible Table Recognition and Semantic Interpretation System

mnamysl/table-interpretation 25 May 2021

Moreover, to incorporate the extraction of semantic information, we develop a graph-based table interpretation method.

TNCR: Table Net Detection and Classification Dataset

abdoelsayed2016/TNCR_Dataset 19 Jun 2021

Cascade Mask R-CNN with ResNeXt-101-64x4d Backbone Network achieves the highest performance compared to other methods with a precision of 79. 7%, recall of 89. 8%, and f1 score of 84. 4% on the TNCR dataset.

TableSense: Spreadsheet Table Detection with Convolutional Neural Networks

microsoft/TableSense 25 Jun 2021

Spreadsheet table detection is the task of detecting all tables on a given sheet and locating their respective ranges.

Doc2Graph: a Task Agnostic Document Understanding Framework based on Graph Neural Networks

andreagemelli/doc2graph 23 Aug 2022

Geometric Deep Learning has recently attracted significant interest in a wide range of machine learning fields, including document analysis.

Table Detection in the Wild: A Novel Diverse Table Detection Dataset and Method

subex/STDW 31 Aug 2022

In this paper, we introduce a diverse large-scale dataset for table detection with more than seven thousand samples containing a wide variety of table structures collected from many diverse sources.

CTE: A Dataset for Contextualized Table Extraction

ailab-unifi/cte-dataset 2 Feb 2023

We define the task of Contextualized Table Extraction (CTE), which aims to extract and define the structure of tables considering the textual context of the document.

A large-scale dataset for end-to-end table recognition in the wild

maxkinny/tabrecset 27 Mar 2023

To this end, we propose a new large-scale dataset named Table Recognition Set (TabRecSet) with diverse table forms sourcing from multiple scenarios in the wild, providing complete annotation dedicated to end-to-end TR research.

Table Detection for Visually Rich Document Images

uobinxiao/SparseTableDet 30 May 2023

Table Detection (TD) is a fundamental task to enable visually rich document understanding, which requires the model to extract information without information loss.